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Thursday, September 29, 2005 

Like it or Lump it, This is Our Chief Justice, (Was it Worth Fighting Over?)

Chief Justice John Roberts

(Breitbart.com) The 50-year-old Roberts was sworn in a little more than three hours after he was confirmed by the Senate on a vote of 78-22. The oath was delivered by Justice John Paul Stevens, the court's senior member and acting chief justice since Rehnquist's death early this month. […] Roberts spoke briefly, saying that the bipartisan vote for his nomination was "confirmation of what is for me a bedrock principle, that judging is different from politics."

The vote split Senate Democrats: 22 voted for and 22 voted against. The Senate's lone independent, James Jeffords of Vermont, also voted to confirm Roberts

The Republicans voted almost unanimously to confirm Clinton's nominee, Ruth Bater Ginsburg. She was at one time a regional head of the ACLU. Since then, they have taken the House, the Senate, and the White House. There might be something there to taking the high road.

If Bush puts up a woman or a minority… or a Minority Woman, how will the Democrats vote then? I think it bears looking into that already, without a nomination in place, Left leadership is already saying nominees “would be met by substantial opposition in the Senate” (Senator Harry Reid), yet they are supposed to be THE party of minority and woman’s rights?
