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Friday, September 30, 2005 

Next on “Culture of Corruption Daily”, Sen. Harry Ried

WASHINGTON (Review Journal.com) -- The money that led to the indictment this week of two Las Vegas pastors and the wife of one of them came from federal grants arranged by Sen. Harry Reid in September 2001, a Reid spokeswoman said Wednesday.
Moving to distance Reid from a possible scandal, aide Tessa Hafen said the senator sought the money on behalf of a nonprofit social services agency and not for the churches or persons who have been accused of mishandling the money.

So Ried didn’t know these people or have any involvement with the church?

A Reid relationship with the Second Baptist Church surfaced in 1997, when the senator donated $250 to the church where Davis was and still is pastor. […] At about the same time, Reid donated another $250 from Huang to the First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Las Vegas. […]Reid has attended services at the Second Baptist Church "about three or four times" since 1997, Hafen said.

Uh oh, maybe things are not as squeaky clean as he’d hoped. I find a couple of things interesting. One, that a white male is donating money to two different predominately black churches (not making any assumptions, but noting the irregularity). And Two; that these same churches then received rather large grants, totaling $330,000 (intended for halfway houses and prison inmates), and another $ 423,000 (for Alliance Collegiums Association of Nevada board of directors, of which this Pastor was president of).

Will Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean, and other Democratic Leaders denounce this as yet more examples of the “culture of corruption” they seem too worried about with DeLay?
