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Wednesday, November 30, 2005 

Sheehan Mad Over Press Coverage (Welcome To Reality)

(Editor & Publisher) NEW YORK Antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan and her book publisher are upset about Associated Press and Reuters photos that allegedly presented a misleading impression of her book signing last weekend in Texas.

But in a statement today, Sheehan accused “right-wing” sites of “spreading a false story that nobody bought my book at Camp Casey on Saturday. That is not true, I sold all 100 copies and got writer's cramp signing them. Photos were taken of me before the people got in line to have me sign the book. We made $2000 for the peace house.”

"At the time the photos were taken 'maybe 5 people had come in,' Vucci says, and Sheehan was waiting for more to stop by, which they did individually as well as in very small groups. Therefore the wording of the caption is accurate in that Sheehan was waiting for people to show up at her signing."

Who here has seen the AP or Reuters take pot shots at Cindy or any of the anti-Bush movement yet? I know I havnt. In fact, in my post “Sheehan Book Signing Draws…” I noted that AP had their leading photo deliberately avoiding the scene depicted on the “right wing” sites. It had a overhead shot (preciously including the US flag) that included only a part of her table, and her, with the caption that read: “…Sheehan waits to sign her next book” (emphasis mine), implying that she had already been signing them, and now was awaiting more fans.

The first time the press doesn’t highlight her “pros”, and cover up her “cons”, and suddenly she’s upset? Welcome to the real world ma’am. We’ve been here quite awhile, so please excuse our lack of concern.
