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Thursday, October 13, 2005 

$$$ Money Money Money $$$ (Politicians On Campaign)

SCOTCH PLAINS, N.J (AP) . - The two millionaires vying to be New Jersey's next governor have used a combined $45 million of their personal fortunes for their campaigns, making it the most expensive gubernatorial race in state history.

Democrat Jon Corzine, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs, spent nearly $4 million of his own money during the primary race, and he was unopposed. For the general election, Corzine has spent $19.5 million of his own wealth, according to reports made public Wednesday by the state Election Law Enforcement Commission.

Forrester, the Republican co-owner of BeneCard Services Inc., a prescription drug company, spent $11.2 million in his primary race against six opponents. For the general election, he has lent himself $10.5 million.

Money well spent! This way, the poor folks will really know who is looking out for them. And I bet that Forrester will make sure those prescription drug costs come down now, after he threw all that money in another deceptive ad campaign.

Our priorities are not what they should be.
