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Wednesday, October 12, 2005 

China, Socialist Justice In Action

(Epoch Times) A witness said on the Internet, “The policemen there today beat up everyone, men, women, old, and young, without mercy. These are definitely no “people’s police”. I am unable to describable the scene of police brutality that I saw, it is absolutely beyond what you can imagine. They were simply cruel, and they were simply bandits!”

“I saw with my own eyes that dozens of policemen surrounded an over 60 year-old lady, struck and kicked her, and within seconds the old lady fell down on the ground motionless. This occurred only because she said a few words scolding the police.” I was not sure if she was dead or alive.

An insider said, that around 7:00 am on October 7, approximately 3,000 policemen entered the Shuangbei Garden, as nearly 10,000 workers gathered. After a stalemate for a period of time, the police started arresting the workers’ delegates, and an intense struggle occurred, during which the two elderly ladies were killed.

Boys and Girls, welcome to yet more wonders of Socialism. China, our friend and neighbor.
