Australia Prepares Soldiers for Attacks from Ted Kennedy's US
Australia GIs Trained to Withstand Torture (AP)
Elite troops in Australia are undergoing training that includes being stripped naked and threatened with dogs to prepare them to withstand torture if they are captured by enemy forces, the government said.
But why, Australia and the US are allies, and isn’t the US the ONLY country that tortures its prisoners? And doesn’t US torture mean that they will play loud music and put woman’s panties on your head? How will being stripped and threatened with dogs help against these horrid acts of American soldiers?
Just ask the Ted Kennedy and his willing accomplices the mainstream media, they will tell you all about it at Gitmo.
Elite troops in Australia are undergoing training that includes being stripped naked and threatened with dogs to prepare them to withstand torture if they are captured by enemy forces, the government said.
But why, Australia and the US are allies, and isn’t the US the ONLY country that tortures its prisoners? And doesn’t US torture mean that they will play loud music and put woman’s panties on your head? How will being stripped and threatened with dogs help against these horrid acts of American soldiers?
Just ask the Ted Kennedy and his willing accomplices the mainstream media, they will tell you all about it at Gitmo.