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Monday, August 14, 2006 

GOP Has Got a 2 out of 3 Chance in Connecticut Race:

(Rasmussen Reports) Senator Joe Lieberman’s decision to run as an Independent sets up a lively campaign season for Connecticut voters. In the first General Election poll since Ned Lamont defeated Lieberman in Tuesday’s primary, the incumbent is hanging on to a five percentage point lead. Lieberman earns support from 46% of Connecticut voters while Lamont is the choice of 41% (see crosstabs).

A month ago, the candidates were tied at 40% each. Republican Alan Schlesinger earns just 6% of the vote, down from 13% a month ago. 57% of the state's voters view Lieberman as politically moderate while 51% see Lamont as liberal. Half (52%) of Lamont voters believe Bush should be impeached and removed from office. Just 15% of Lieberman voters share that view. Overall, 55% of Connecticut voters trust Lieberman more than Lamont when it comes to the War on Terror. Thirty-one percent (31%) trust Lamont.

Thirty-one percent (31%) have a Very Favorable opinion of Lieberman, 18% Very Unfavorable. For Lamont, the numbers are 19% Very Favorable, 23% Very Unfavorable. Lieberman still attracts 35% of votes from Democrats. Lamont will have to find a way to trim that number without alienating unaffiliated voters. Lieberman is viewed at least somewhat favorably by 65% of unaffiliated voters compared to 49% for Lamont.


  • If the Republican candidate pulled off a miracle, the GOP has an obvious victory
  • If Lieberman wins, the GOP has an indirect victory over the fringe of the DNC
  • If Lamont wins, the DNC has a victory as their agenda sits well with the majority

Either way, we’re looking at pretty good Vegas odds for the GOP in Connecticut in a season where the Democrats are promising big gains in Congress.

The agenda they’ve been pushed towards by the radical elements of their party is about to shove the entire movement over a line they can not turn back from. Lieberman is/was, by all accounts, a very liberal Senator (voting record). Yet they’ve shoved him off as a Bush crony and are now pounding Hillary Clinton for the same stance, and even threaten to try and dethrone her from the DNC ticket in New York as well.

If she were to run as an Independent like Lieberman is, what would it mean for the Democratic Party to toss out two of its biggest stars? Especially when political wins are so desperately needed?

I encourage all moderate Democrats to reevaluate their party, their party affiliations, and their voting choices. I encourage all Democrats to demand more accountability and majority representation from their Party and not allow it to be driven off a cliff of immature and naive idealism that serves only to line the pockets of the fund raisers themselves.

We need more than one viable political party in America, and this rash of radical liberals that have hijacked the DNC are doing everything they can to kill that system. We voters are being left with either subscribing the a radical left agenda, or the humdrum vanilla that the RNC is dishing out. Democrats are the only ones who can change this, and this Independent implores you to do so.
