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Friday, September 23, 2005 

Girl Expelled from Christian School Because Her Parents are Lesbians (Well Duh?)

(Breitbart) A 14-year-old student was expelled from a Christian school because her parents are lesbians, the school's superintendent said in a letter. Shay Clark was expelled from Ontario Christian School on Thursday. "Your family does not meet the policies of admission," Superintendent Leonard Stob wrote to Tina Clark, the girl's biological mother.

Hurry, call the ACLU! A white Christian group is trying to keep those gay folk down again. We need to make sure that we infringe on their civil rights (being a private school with documented admissions and attendance policies her parents violated), in order that we may “protect” the civil rights of others.

Right or wrong (morally), a private school has the right to accept or not accept any student. My question is why a gay couple tried to send their daughter to a school that specifically had rules forbidding it in their charter?
